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Ski trip to Meri-Teijo 15 February 2024

Welcome to CampusSport’s trip to Meri-Teijo on Thursday 15 February 2024. The bus to Meri-Teijo leaves from Turku at 3pm. The return trip from Meri-Teijo will start at approx. 9pm.

All students and staff members of the universities in Turku can join the trip, you do not need to pay the CampusSports’s sports fee in order to participate.

The trip costs 52€. The price includes bus transportation from Turku to Meri-Teijo and back, ticket for the slopes, rental of full gear for downhill skiing or snowboarding and a skiing or snowboarding lesson. Participating in the lesson and rental of gear is voluntary, you can specify when registering. Information on payment will be sent to participants closer to the event. The trip will take place only if 45 people enroll.

Binding registrations to the trip at the latest on 7 February: (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.)