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Answers to customer feedback spring 2023

We did a customer feedback questionnaire in the spring. We received around 100 answers and want to thank everyone who answered! The average grade for CampusSport’s services was 4,28 (on a scale of 1-5).

We have already taken some actions based on your suggestions. We will consider implementing the changes that require more resources during the next academic year. As we tend to do, we have answered some of the feedback.

I wonder why it is so slow to get things fixed at the gyms. The crossover cable at Aurum was broken for months. I hope you could fix problems faster and be more proactive with checking the machines and cables.
We try our best to notice the problems as early as possible. However, it is a lot easier to spot them while exercising. Therefore, we hope that if users notice something that should be fixed, they either send us e-mail to or talk to our staff members in the sports facilities. When it comes to the crossover cable at Aurum, the supplier of the machine visited the gym several times to solve the problem. It was not possible to fix it with a replacement part. The same problem will come back and it needs to be fixed regularly. We will change our informing at the gyms so that if the problem continues, we will leave a note clarifying the situation.

Instructed classes are very versatile and delightful! Some classes could have more speed though, young students do have energy to exercise.
CampusSport is aimed for the whole community of the higher education institutions i.e., students and staff members. The group of students consists of diverse people too. It is a conscious choice to offer sports that meet different needs. There are shifts that are more intensive and shifts that are more slow-paced so that everyone can choose the ones that are suitable for them.

There should be a bike rack in front of Sport Sirkka.
Unfortunately, the owner of the facility hasn’t given a permission to place a bike rack.

Why aren’t there instructed classes in Educarium in the mornings?
CampusSport is not the only user of Educarium’s facilities. OKL (teacher education) has the privilege to use Educarium’s facilities during the daytime and that is the reason CampusSport cannot organize morning classes there.

The reservation system is a bit silly when you can’t reserve all the places although the classes are very popular.
When CampusSport started, in the academic year 2016-2017, we tried several reservation methods. After trying those, we made a survey for the customers and the system we have in use now was voted for the best. The reason to use the current reservation system (70% of available places in each class can be pre-reserved through the electronic reservation system and the remaining 30% of places is available on a first come, first served basis) is that it allows people to be spontaneous as everyone doesn’t want to or cannot plan their exercising in advance.

Could you organize class x in place y in time z, because the time of my favourite class doesn’t suit me at the moment?
CampusSport offers weekly more than 100 classes in different locations and there are around 40 instructors, so it is quite a puzzle to get the schedule done. As there are so many customers and the shifts are popular, it is inevitable that some shifts are held during less popular times i.e., early afternoons, late evenings, or weekends. People also have different preferences what is a good time for a shift.

Feedback about the massage services: it is weird that the massage therapists ask for your social security number. It doesn’t happen elsewhere. Why do they need that?
The law requires massage therapists to ask for the social security number. They are health professionals and they are required to document the appointments and the customers. CampusSport’s massage therapists are independent entrepreneurs and each one of them is in charge of handling their own documents according to the GDPR regulation.

I hope there would be more detailed information about the dressing rooms (lockers etc.) on your website.
CampusSport’s new website will be opened in August and there will be more detailed information about the dressing rooms.

I have given this feedback already earlier, but nothing has changed. The dressing rooms in Aurum are dirty. Can you clean them properly?
The dressing rooms in Aurum are not for CampusSport’s use only. They are meant for all the people in the Aurum building and the owner of the facility, SYK, is in charge of the maintenance of the dressing rooms. We have notified them several times about the insufficient cleaning and furnishing, e.g., the missing hooks in the shower room. Customers can feedback about the dressing rooms directly to SYK by filling in an electronic service request on their website: (Visit an external site. The link opens in a new tab.)

CS 14.6.2023