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A hike in Katariinanlaakso 24 Oct 2023

Sports tutors organise a hike in Katariinanlaakso on Tue 24 Oct 2023 starting from 4pm. The length of the route is 2-3 kilometres and the hike lasts 1-2 hours. The hike is free and all the students and staff members of the universities in Turku are welcome to join. You do not have to pay the CampusSport sports fee in order to participate. No enrollment in advance. If it rains a lot, the event will be cancelled. There is no campfire but you can bring a snack.

If you come by bus, take bus number 9 or 13. The sports tutors will take bus number 9 that leaves from the market square (platform A7) at 3.35pm. The tutors will meet you at the bus stop. They will wear vests with a text “Sports tutor”. We will get off the bus at the bus stop of Rykmentintie (number 1454) at approximately 4pm. If you do not come by the same bus as the tutors, you can join the group at the bus stop. After the hike, you can travel back to the market square with the sports tutors.

Accessibility information: The route is relatively easy but not completely accessible. We will divide into smaller groups according to the walking speed of the participants.