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Address: Hämeenkatu 22, Turku

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 6.00-23.00, Sat-Sun 8.00-23.00 (entry until 22.30)

Services: gym
Dressing rooms and showers: gendered dressing rooms with showers
Lockers: There are lockers in the gym. The key is in the door and you won’t need a coin to use the locker. Lockers have enough room for a backpack.
Instructions: Entrance through Tavasthem’s door, turn left and go down the stairs.
Customer service hours: no customer service

Gym counseling: Gym counseling service is on a summer break and will continue on 2 September 2024.
Exceptions in opening hours: The gym is closed due to cleaning on Tue 30 July at 6-14.

Gym description: A former indoor rowing tank is now a gym suitable for strength and fitness training with a lot of free weights. Gym’s equipment include a power rack, a squat rack, dumbbells, a cable crossover, weight plates and bars.

We require that all our customers follow CampusSport’s gym etiquette (pdf) at the gyms.