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Competition information for season 2023-2024 published

Competition information for season 2023-2024 has been published and the enrolment to the first competitions is open. CampusSport organises several tournaments and competitions during the academic year.

You do not have to pay the sports fee in order to participate, as long as you are a student or a staff member in one of the universities in Turku. Anyone can put a team together. You can for example ask fellow students to join your team and participate in the competitions. Some of the competitions have both amateur and competition series.

More information about the competitions is available on the page Competitions. Information on each competition (dates, enrolment fee, last day to enrol) is on page Sports. You can enrol to the competitions on page Entering.

The season starts with a football tournament:

Time: On weekdays between 2pm and 9pm, starting from 11 September 2023. Estimated length of the tournament is 3-4 weeks.
Location: Turf fields in Turku
Additional information: Playing time 2 x 20 min. Number of players 7+1. There is an amateur and a competition series in the tournament. A CampusSport Cup team sport.
Participation fee: 66€/team
Last day to enrol: 3 September 2023

Our competitions are part of CampusSport Cup, which is a series of tournaments that consists of different sports and lasts for the whole season. You can participate in just one tournament, it is not mandatory to be part of the cup.